Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Brain Dump

It's been awhile since I last posted. Maybe it's because I felt like I didn't have anything to talk about (true), or maybe it felt like I was just whining about my problems when there are much worse things happening in the world (also true), or maybe I was just lazy (also also true). But I think, at this point in my life, I need to just buckle down and stop playing the goddamn Sims all the time.

Speaking of the Sims, anyone else hate how you can't customize as much stuff in TS4 as you could in TS3? Ugh. I just want to customize some fucking paint colours and furniture, is that too much to ask.

Okay, back to writing things.

There are a few ideas rolling around the ol' noodle recently.

I've taken a backseat to the backseat my weight loss journey has been on. What does that mean? I've been lazy as fuck and apathetic towards it. I need to eat better and exercise more but I just... don't. Like, rather than get in a quick workout while Mr. M is napping - seeing as Miss O will let me work out without getting TOO much in the way - I hang out in my bedroom and watch tv series that I've seen a hundred times or I play the Sims or ... just do anything but try to get myself back into a good shape. Like, I'd take grade 12 Paige over current Paige. Even though grade 12 Paige thought that she was not fit... but who didn't at that age?

I also haven't been doing as much creatively as I think I could/should. Such as writing, or painting, or making blankets (crochet because knitting just takes waaaay too long). And also housework has taken a backseat for some reason. I'm also not baking as much as I could be.

My god. What is actually wrong with me.

Lastly, and I feel like this is the most important subject, the American election.

To everyone who says that it doesn't affect us up here in Canada - get your head out of your ass. We share a fucking continent with them. They elected a man who has already gone back on most of his campaign, who is volatile, and who just cannot be trusted. He's also incredibly misogynistic and it's really depressing.

I've never identified myself as a feminist. If anything, I've tried to stay away from that term, because of the negative connotations of it. Like the bra-burning hippie women who say things like "herstory" instead of history. And those types of feminists do still exist. And then there's the modern kind of feminist, who basically just doesn't want to take any shit from men. It's a terrible dynamic now, in that women are still not making as much in careers as men do, and there are a lot of sexist practices going on when it comes to hiring. Companies won't hire women who are within baby-making age range, simply because they don't want to deal with them.

I find that as I get older, I realize just how shitty the world is for women. In the US right now, women are too frightened to walk to their cars alone outside of retail establishments. They're afraid to walk alone on a university campus. They're afraid, period, because of shitfucks like Brock Turner getting away with raping a woman just because he's a white, privileged, male. I can identify with the fear from being a female, but I can't identify with the fear from not being a white, hetero, female. I can't imagine what it's like to be non-white or non-straight or non-gender conforming.

I really hope that society, as a whole, can turn this around. I really hope that we can learn from all of the stories coming out of the US where women (and/or other visible minority groups) can band together and fight back against their oppressors.

Oh, and I really hope that companies will stop using sexist jargon to sell their fucking products. A local hair salon has "It's cheaper to change your hair than your husband" as their billboard. Another male-geared salon had "It's great to be a man" as theirs. And a chain of mechanic shops (like oil & muffler stuff) had "Don't get a divorce, get an oil change" or something to that extent. How are these things even socially acceptable AND how are they still up?!

Okay. Enough ranting for today. Hopefully I'll have another post this week.

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