Monday, February 1, 2016

Self-Love Month - Week 1, Day 1

Finally I'm following through with blogging! Everybody say hooray! 

Today is day 1 of week 1 of both the month where I find something to write about (hopefully positive). It's also day 1 of week 1 of my 21 Day Fix round. 

I didn't realize that in a month off from working out, I'd be starting back at the beginning. I basically was at the same point of disrepair for the first workout as I was at the very first time I worked out. I couldn't one move entirely, I bowed out halfway through of a couple of them. I couldn't do the ab work because of my back. So I have learned my lesson that I shouldn't stop exercising, I should just keep plodding through. Or at least don't take a month-long break. 

I'm actually, legitimately, at a loss of what to talk about. Hopefully tomorrow I can think of something, but today all I can think about is relaxing in my bed and zoning out playing the Sims.